
Pyspatialml is a Python package for applying scikit-learn machine learning models to raster-based datasets. It is inspired by the famous raster package in the R statistical programming language which has been extensively used for applying statistical and machine learning models to geospatial raster datasets.

Pyspatialml includes functions and classes for working with multiple raster datasets and applying typical machine learning workflows including raster data manipulation, feature engineering on raster datasets, extraction of training data, and application of the predict or predict_proba methods of scikit-learn estimator objects to a stack of raster datasets.

Pyspatialml is built upon the rasterio Python package which performs all of the heavy lifting and is designed to work with the geopandas package for related raster-vector data geoprocessing operations.


A supervised machine-learning workflow as applied to spatial raster data typically involves several steps:

  1. Using vector features or labelled pixels to extract training data from a stack of raster-based predictors (e.g. spectral bands, terrain derivatives, or climate grids). The training data represent locations when some property/state/concentration is already established, and might comprise point locations of arsenic concentrations, or labelled pixels with integer-encoded values that correspond to known landcover types.

  2. Developing a machine learning classification or regression model on the training data. Pyspatialml is designed to use scikit-learn compatible api’s for this purpose.

  3. Applying the fitted machine learning model to make predictions on all of the pixels in the stack of raster data.

Pyspatialml is designed to make it easy to develop spatial prediction models on stacks of 2D raster datasets that are held on disk. Unlike using python’s numpy module directly where raster datasets need to be held in memory, the majority of functions within pyspatialml work with raster datasets that are stored on disk and allow processing operations to be performed on datasets that are too large to be loaded into memory.

Pyspatialml is designed to make it easy to work with typical raster data stacks consisting of multiple 2D grids such as different spectal bands, maps etc. However, it’s purpose is not to work with multidimensional datasets, i.e. those that have more than 3 dimensions such as spacetime cubes of multiband data. The xarray package can provide a structure for this type of data.