
Raster(self, src, crs=None, transform=None, nodata=None, file_path=None, driver=None, tempdir=tempfile.tempdir, in_memory=False)

Creates a collection of file-based GDAL-supported raster datasets that share a common coordinate reference system and geometry.

Raster objects encapsulate RasterLayer objects, which represent single band raster datasets that can physically be represented by either separate single-band raster files, multi-band raster files, or any combination of individual bands from multi-band raster and single-band raster datasets.


Name Type Description
files list A list of the raster dataset files that are used in the Raster. This does not have to be the same length as the number of RasterLayers because some files may have multiple bands.
meta dict A dict containing the raster metadata. The dict contains the following keys/values: crs : the crs object transform : the Affine.affine transform object width : width of the Raster in pixels height : height of the Raster in pixels count : number of RasterLayers within the Raster dtype : the numpy datatype that represents lowest common denominator of the different dtypes for all of the layers in the Raster.
names list A list of the RasterLayer names.
block_shape tuple The default block_shape in (rows, cols) for reading windows of data in the Raster for out-of-memory processing.


Name Description
aggregate Aggregates a raster to (usually) a coarser grid cell size.
alter Apply a fitted scikit-learn transformer to a Raster object.
append Method to add new RasterLayers to a Raster object.
apply Apply user-supplied function to a Raster object.
block_shapes Generator for windows for optimal reading and writing based
close Close all of the RasterLayer objects in the Raster.
copy Creates a shallow copy of a Raster object
crop Crops a Raster object by the supplied bounds.
drop Drop individual RasterLayers from a Raster object
extract_raster Sample a Raster object by an aligned raster of labelled pixels.
extract_vector Sample a Raster/RasterLayer using a geopandas GeoDataframe
extract_xy Samples pixel values using an array of xy locations.
head Return the first 10 rows from the Raster as a ndarray
intersect Perform a intersect operation on the Raster object.
mask Mask a Raster object based on the outline of shapes in a
predict Apply prediction of a scikit learn model to a Raster.
predict_proba Apply class probability prediction of a scikit learn model to a Raster.
read Reads data from the Raster object into a numpy array.
rename Rename a RasterLayer within the Raster object.
sample Generates a random sample of according to size, and samples
scale Standardize (centre and scale) a Raster object by
set_block_shape Set the block shape of the raster, i.e. the height and width
tail Return the last 10 rows from the Raster as a ndarray
to_crs Reprojects a Raster object to a different crs.
to_pandas Raster to pandas DataFrame.
write Write the Raster object to a file.


Raster.aggregate(out_shape, resampling='nearest', file_path=None, in_memory=False, driver='GTiff', dtype=None, nodata=None, **kwargs)

Aggregates a raster to (usually) a coarser grid cell size.


Name Type Description Default
out_shape tuple New shape in (rows, cols). required
resampling str (default ‘nearest’) Resampling method to use when applying decimated reads when out_shape is specified. Supported methods are: ‘average’, ‘bilinear’, ‘cubic’, ‘cubic_spline’, ‘gauss’, ‘lanczos’, ‘max’, ‘med’, ‘min’, ‘mode’, ‘q1’, ‘q3’. 'nearest'
file_path str (optional File path to save to cropped raster. If not supplied then the aggregated raster is saved to a temporary file. None)
in_memory bool Whether to initiated the Raster from an array and store the data in-memory using Rasterio’s in-memory files. is False
driver str (default ‘GTiff’) Named of GDAL-supported driver for file export. 'GTiff'
dtype str (optional Coerce RasterLayers to the specified dtype. If not specified then the new intersected Raster is created using the dtype of the existing Raster dataset, which uses a dtype that can accommodate the data types of all of the individual RasterLayers. None)
nodata any number (optional Nodata value for new dataset. If not specified then a nodata value is set based on the minimum permissible value of the Raster’s dtype. Note that this does not change the pixel nodata values of the raster, it only changes the metadata of what value represents a nodata pixel. None)
kwargs opt Optional named arguments to pass to the format drivers. For example can be compress="deflate" to add compression. {}


Type Description
pyspatialml.raster.Raster Raster object aggregated to a new pixel size.


Raster.alter(transformer, file_path=None, in_memory=False, driver='GTiff', dtype=None, nodata=None, progress=False)

Apply a fitted scikit-learn transformer to a Raster object.

Can be used to transform a raster using methods such as StandardScaler, RobustScaler etc.


Name Type Description Default
transformer a sklearn.preprocessing.Transformer object required
file_path str (optional Path to a GeoTiff raster for the prediction results. If not specified then the output is written to a temporary file. None)
in_memory bool Whether to initiated the Raster from an array and store the data in-memory using Rasterio’s in-memory files. is False
driver str (default ‘GTiff’) Named of GDAL-supported driver for file export. 'GTiff'
dtype str (optional Optionally specify a GDAL compatible data type when saving to file. If not specified, a data type is set based on the data type of the prediction. None)
nodata any number (optional Nodata value for file export. If not specified then the nodata value is derived from the minimum permissible value for the given data type. None)
progress bool (default False) Show progress bar for operation. False


Type Description
Pyspatialml.Raster object with transformed data.


Raster.append(other, in_place=False)

Method to add new RasterLayers to a Raster object.

Note that this modifies the Raster object in-place by default.


Name Type Description Default
other Raster object, or list of Raster objects Object to append to the Raster. required
in_place bool (default False) Whether to change the Raster object in-place or leave original and return a new Raster object. False


Type Description
pyspatialml.raster.Raster Returned only if in_place is False


Raster.apply(function, file_path=None, in_memory=False, driver='GTiff', dtype=None, nodata=None, progress=False, function_args={}, **kwargs)

Apply user-supplied function to a Raster object.


Name Type Description Default
function function Function that takes an numpy array as a single argument. required
file_path str (optional Optional path to save calculated Raster object. If not specified then a tempfile is used. None)
in_memory bool Whether to initiated the Raster from an array and store the data in-memory using Rasterio’s in-memory files. is False
driver str (default ‘GTiff’) Named of GDAL-supported driver for file export. 'GTiff'
dtype str (optional Coerce RasterLayers to the specified dtype. If not specified then the new Raster is created using the dtype of the calculation result. None)
nodata any number (optional Nodata value for new dataset. If not specified then a nodata value is set based on the minimum permissible value of the Raster’s data type. Note that this changes the values of the pixels that represent nodata pixels. None)
progress bool (default False) Optionally show progress of transform operations. False
function_args dict(optional) Optionally pass arguments to the function as a dict or keyword arguments. {}
kwargs opt Optional named arguments to pass to the format drivers. For example can be compress="deflate" to add compression. {}


Type Description
pyspatialml.raster.Raster Raster containing the calculated result.


Raster.block_shapes(rows, cols)

Generator for windows for optimal reading and writing based on the raster format Windows and returns as a tuple with xoff, yoff, width, height.


Name Type Description Default
rows int Height of window in rows. required
cols int Width of window in columns. required



Close all of the RasterLayer objects in the Raster.

Note that this will cause any rasters based on temporary files to be removed. This is intended as a method of clearing temporary files that may have accumulated during an analysis session.



Creates a shallow copy of a Raster object

Note that shallow in the context of a Raster object means that an immutable copy of the object is made, however the on-disk and in-memory file locations remain the same.


Name Type Description Default
subset opt A list of layer names to subset while copying. None


Type Description


Raster.crop(bounds, file_path=None, in_memory=False, driver='GTiff', dtype=None, nodata=None, **kwargs)

Crops a Raster object by the supplied bounds.


Name Type Description Default
bounds tuple A tuple containing the bounding box to clip by in the form of (xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax). required
file_path str (optional File path to save to cropped raster. If not supplied then the cropped raster is saved to a temporary file. None)
in_memory bool Whether to initiated the Raster from an array and store the data in-memory using Rasterio’s in-memory files. is False
driver str (default ‘GTiff’). Default is ‘GTiff’ Named of GDAL-supported driver for file export. 'GTiff'
dtype str (optional Coerce RasterLayers to the specified dtype. If not specified then the new intersected Raster is created using the dtype of theexisting Raster dataset, which uses a dtype that can accommodate the data types of all of the individual RasterLayers. None)
nodata any number (optional Nodata value for new dataset. If not specified then a nodata value is set based on the minimum permissible value of the Raster’s data type. Note that this does not change the pixel nodata values of the raster, it only changes the metadata of what value represents a nodata pixel. None)
kwargs opt Optional named arguments to pass to the format drivers. For example can be compress="deflate" to add compression. {}


Type Description
pyspatialml.raster.Raster Raster cropped to new extent.


Raster.drop(labels, in_place=False)

Drop individual RasterLayers from a Raster object

Note that this modifies the Raster object in-place by default.


Name Type Description Default
labels single label or list-like Index (int) or layer name to drop. Can be a single integer or label, or a list of integers or labels. required
in_place bool (default False) Whether to change the Raster object in-place or leave original and return a new Raster object. False


Type Description
pyspatialml.pyspatialml.Raster Returned only if in_place is True


Raster.extract_raster(src, progress=False)

Sample a Raster object by an aligned raster of labelled pixels.


Name Type Description Default
src Single band raster containing labelled pixels as an open rasterio DatasetReader object. required
progress bool(opt) Show a progress bar for extraction. False


Type Description
geopandas.geopandas.GeoDataFrame Geodataframe containing extracted data as point features if return_array=False


Raster.extract_vector(gdf, progress=False)

Sample a Raster/RasterLayer using a geopandas GeoDataframe containing points, lines or polygon features.


Name Type Description Default
gdf Containing either point, line or polygon geometries. Overlapping geometries will cause the same pixels to be sampled. required
progress bool(opt) Show a progress bar for extraction. False


Type Description
geopandas.geopandas.GeoDataframe Containing extracted data as point geometries (one point per pixel). The resulting GeoDataFrame is indexed using a named pandas.MultiIndex, with pixel_idx index referring to the index of each pixel that was sampled, and the geometry_idx index referring to the index of the each geometry in the supplied gdf. This makes it possible to keep track of how sampled pixel relates to the original geometries, i.e. multiple pixels being extracted within the area of a single polygon that can be referred to using the geometry_idx. The extracted data can subsequently be joined with the attribute table of the supplied gdf using: training_py = geopandas.read_file(nc.polygons) df = self.stack.extract_vector(gdf=training_py) df = df.dropna() df = df.merge( right=training_py.loc[:, (“id”, “label”)], left_on=“polygon_idx”, right_on=“id”, right_index=True )


Raster.extract_xy(xys, return_array=False, progress=False)

Samples pixel values using an array of xy locations.


Name Type Description Default
xys 2d array-like x and y coordinates from which to sample the raster (n_samples, xys). required
return_array bool(opt) By default the extracted pixel values are returned as a geopandas.GeoDataFrame. If return_array=True then the extracted pixel values are returned as a tuple of numpy.ndarrays. False
progress bool(opt) Show a progress bar for extraction. False


Type Description
geopandas.geopandas.GeoDataframe Containing extracted data as point geometries if return_array=False.
numpy.numpy.ndarray 2d masked array containing sampled raster values (sample, bands) at the x,y locations.



Return the first 10 rows from the Raster as a ndarray


Raster.intersect(file_path=None, in_memory=False, driver='GTiff', dtype=None, nodata=None, **kwargs)

Perform a intersect operation on the Raster object.

Computes the geometric intersection of the RasterLayers with the Raster object. This will cause nodata values in any of the rasters to be propagated through all of the output rasters.


Name Type Description Default
file_path str (optional File path to save to resulting Raster. If not supplied then the resulting Raster is saved to a temporary file. None)
in_memory bool Whether to initiated the Raster from an array and store the data in-memory using Rasterio’s in-memory files. is False
driver str (default ‘GTiff’) Named of GDAL-supported driver for file export. 'GTiff'
dtype str (optional Coerce RasterLayers to the specified dtype. If not specified then the new intersected Raster is created using the dtype of the existing Raster dataset, which uses a dtype that can accommodate the data types of all of the individual RasterLayers. None)
nodata any number (optional Nodata value for new dataset. If not specified then a nodata value is set based on the minimum permissible value of the Raster’s data type. Note that this changes the values of the pixels that represent nodata to the new value. None)
kwargs opt Optional named arguments to pass to the format drivers. For example can be compress="deflate" to add compression. {}


Type Description
pyspatialml.raster.Raster Raster with layers that are masked based on a union of all masks in the suite of RasterLayers.


Raster.mask(shapes, invert=False, crop=True, pad=False, file_path=None, in_memory=False, driver='GTiff', dtype=None, nodata=None, **kwargs)

Mask a Raster object based on the outline of shapes in a geopandas.GeoDataFrame


Name Type Description Default
shapes geopandas.geopandas.GeoDataFrame GeoDataFrame containing masking features. required
invert bool (default False) If False then pixels outside shapes will be masked. If True then pixels inside shape will be masked. False
crop bool (default True) Crop the raster to the extent of the shapes. True
pad bool (default False) If True, the features will be padded in each direction by one half of a pixel prior to cropping raster. False
file_path str (optional File path to save to resulting Raster. If not supplied then the resulting Raster is saved to a temporary file. None)
in_memory bool Whether to initiated the Raster from an array and store the data in-memory using Rasterio’s in-memory files. is False
driver str (default ‘GTiff’) Named of GDAL-supported driver for file export. 'GTiff'
dtype str (optional Coerce RasterLayers to the specified dtype. If not specified then the cropped Raster is created using the existing dtype, which usesa dtype that can accommodate the data types of all of the individual RasterLayers. None)
nodata any number (optional Nodata value for cropped dataset. If not specified then a nodata value is set based on the minimum permissible value of the Raster’s data type. Note that this changes the values of the pixels to the new nodata value, and changes the metadata of the raster. None)
kwargs opt Optional named arguments to pass to the format drivers. For example can be compress="deflate" to add compression. {}


Type Description
pyspatialml.pyspatialml.Raster Raster with masked layers.


Raster.predict(estimator, file_path=None, in_memory=False, driver='GTiff', dtype=None, nodata=None, progress=False, constants=None, **kwargs)

Apply prediction of a scikit learn model to a Raster.

The model can represent any scikit learn model or compatible api with a fit and predict method. These can consist of classification or regression models. Multi-class classifications and multi-target regressions are also supported.


Name Type Description Default
estimator estimator object implementing ‘fit’ The object to use to fit the data. required
file_path str (optional Path to a GeoTiff raster for the prediction results. If not specified then the output is written to a temporary file. None)
in_memory bool Whether to initiated the Raster from an array and store the data in-memory using Rasterio’s in-memory files. is False
driver str (default ‘GTiff’) Named of GDAL-supported driver for file export 'GTiff'
dtype str (optional Optionally specify a GDAL compatible data type when saving to file. If not specified, np.float32 is assumed. None)
nodata any number (optional Nodata value for file export. If not specified then the nodata value is derived from the minimum permissible value for the given data type. None)
progress bool (default False) Show progress bar for prediction. False
constants Constant features to add to the Raster object with each value in a list or 1d ndarray representing an additional feature. If a list-like object of values os passed, then each numeric value will be appended as constant features to the last columns in the data. It is therefore important that all features including constant features are present in the same order as what was used to train the model. If a dict is passed, then the keys of the dict must refer to the names of raster layers in the Raster object. In this case, the values of the dict will replace the values of the raster layers in the Raster object. None
kwargs opt Optional named arguments to pass to the format drivers. For example can be compress="deflate" to add compression. {}


Type Description
pyspatialml.raster.Raster Raster object containing prediction results as a RasterLayers. For classification and regression models, the Raster will contain a single RasterLayer, unless the model is multi-class or multi-target. Layers are named automatically as pred_raw_n with n = 1, 2, 3 ..n.


Raster.predict_proba(estimator, file_path=None, in_memory=False, indexes=None, driver='GTiff', dtype=None, nodata=None, constants=None, progress=False, **kwargs)

Apply class probability prediction of a scikit learn model to a Raster.


Name Type Description Default
estimator estimator object implementing ‘fit’ The object to use to fit the data. required
file_path str (optional Path to a GeoTiff raster for the prediction results. If not specified then the output is written to a temporary file. None)
in_memory bool Whether to initiated the Raster from an array and store the data in-memory using Rasterio’s in-memory files. is False
indexes list of integers (optional List of class indices to export. In some circumstances, only a subset of the class probability estimations are desired, for instance when performing a binary classification only the probabilities for the positive class may be desired. None)
driver str (default ‘GTiff’) Named of GDAL-supported driver for file export. 'GTiff'
dtype str (optional Optionally specify a GDAL compatible data type when saving to file. If not specified, a data type is set based on the data type of the prediction. None)
nodata any number (optional Nodata value for file export. If not specified then the nodata value is derived from the minimum permissible value for the given data type. None)
progress bool (default False) Show progress bar for prediction. False
constants Constant features to add to the Raster object with each value in a list or 1d ndarray representing an additional feature. If a list-like object of values os passed, then each numeric value will be appended as constant features to the last columns in the data. It is therefore important that all features including constant features are present in the same order as what was used to train the model. If a dict is passed, then the keys of the dict must refer to the names of raster layers in the Raster object. In this case, the values of the dict will replace the values of the raster layers in the Raster object. None
kwargs opt Optional named arguments to pass to the format drivers. For example can be compress="deflate" to add compression. {}


Type Description
pyspatialml.raster.Raster Raster containing predicted class probabilities. Each predicted class is represented by a RasterLayer object. The RasterLayers are named prob_n for 1,2,3..n, with n based on the index position of the classes, not the number of the class itself. For example, a classification model predicting classes with integer values of 1, 3, and 5 would result in three RasterLayers named ‘prob_1’, ‘prob_2’ and ‘prob_3’.


Raster.read(masked=False, window=None, out_shape=None, resampling='nearest', as_df=False, **kwargs)

Reads data from the Raster object into a numpy array.


Name Type Description Default
masked bool (default False) Read data into a masked array. False
window rasterio.window.Window object (optional Tuple of col_off, row_off, width, height of a window of data to read a chunk of data into a ndarray. None)
out_shape tuple (optional Shape of shape of array (rows, cols) to read data into using decimated reads. None)
resampling str (default ‘nearest’) Resampling method to use when applying decimated reads when out_shape is specified. Supported methods are: ‘average’, ‘bilinear’, ‘cubic’, ‘cubic_spline’, ‘gauss’, ‘lanczos’, ‘max’, ‘med’, ‘min’, ‘mode’, ‘q1’, ‘q3’. 'nearest'
as_df bool (default False) Whether to return the data as a pandas.DataFrame with columns named by the RasterLayer names. False
**kwargs dict Other arguments to pass to rasterio.DatasetReader.read method {}


Type Description
ndarray Raster values in 3d ndarray with the dimensions in order of (band, row, and column).


Raster.rename(names, in_place=False)

Rename a RasterLayer within the Raster object.


Name Type Description Default
names dict dict of old_name : new_name required
in_place bool (default False) Whether to change names of the Raster object in-place or leave original and return a new Raster object. False


Type Description
pyspatialml.pyspatialml.Raster Returned only if in_place is False


Raster.sample(size, strata=None, return_array=False, random_state=None)

Generates a random sample of according to size, and samples the pixel values.


Name Type Description Default
size int Number of random samples or number of samples per strata if a strata object is supplied. required
strata pyspatialml Raster object (opt) Whether to use stratified instead of random sampling. Strata can be supplied using another pyspatialml.Raster object. None
return_array bool(opt) Optionally return extracted data as separate X and xy masked numpy arrays. False
random_state int(opt) integer to use within random.seed. None


Type Description
pandas.pandas.DataFrame DataFrame containing values of names of RasterLayers in the Raster if return_array is False.
tuple A tuple containing two elements if return_array is True: - numpy.ndarray Numpy array of extracted raster values, typically 2d. - numpy.ndarray 2D numpy array of xy coordinates of extracted values.


Raster.scale(centre=True, scale=True, file_path=None, in_memory=False, driver='GTiff', dtype=None, nodata=None, progress=False)

Standardize (centre and scale) a Raster object by subtracting the mean and dividing by the standard deviation for each layer in the object.

The mean and standard deviation statistics are calculated for each layer separately.


Name Type Description Default
centre bool Whether to subtract the mean from each layer. is True
scale bool Whether to divide each layer by the standard deviation of the layer. is True
file_path str (optional Path to a GeoTiff raster for the prediction results. If not specified then the output is written to a temporary file. None)
in_memory bool Whether to initiated the Raster from an array and store the data in-memory using Rasterio’s in-memory files. is False
driver str (default ‘GTiff’) Named of GDAL-supported driver for file export. 'GTiff'
dtype str (optional Optionally specify a GDAL compatible data type when saving to file. If not specified, a data type is set based on the data type of the prediction. None)
nodata any number (optional Nodata value for file export. If not specified then the nodata value is derived from the minimum permissible value for the given data type. None)
progress bool (default False) Show progress bar for operation. False


Type Description
Pyspatialml.Raster object with rescaled data.



Set the block shape of the raster, i.e. the height and width of windows to read in chunks for the predict, predict_proba, apply, and other supported-methods.

Note block shape can also be set with myraster.block_shape = (500, 500)


Name Type Description Default
value tuple A tuple of (height, width) for the block window required



Return the last 10 rows from the Raster as a ndarray


Raster.to_crs(crs, resampling='nearest', file_path=None, in_memory=False, driver='GTiff', nodata=None, n_jobs=1, warp_mem_lim=0, progress=False, **kwargs)

Reprojects a Raster object to a different crs.


Name Type Description Default
crs rasterio.transform.CRS object, or dict Example: CRS({‘init’: ‘EPSG:4326’}) required
resampling str (default ‘nearest’) Resampling method to use. One of the following: nearest, bilinear, cubic, cubic_spline, lanczos, average, mode, max (GDAL >= 2.2), min (GDAL >= 2.2), med (GDAL >= 2.2), q1 (GDAL >= 2.2), q3 (GDAL >= 2.2) 'nearest'
file_path str (optional Optional path to save reprojected Raster object. If not specified then a tempfile is used. None)
in_memory bool Whether to initiated the Raster from an array and store the data in-memory using Rasterio’s in-memory files. is False
driver str (default ‘GTiff’) Named of GDAL-supported driver for file export. 'GTiff'
nodata any number (optional Nodata value for new dataset. If not specified then the existing nodata value of the Raster object is used, which can accommodate the dtypes of the individual layers in the Raster. None)
n_jobs int (default 1) The number of warp worker threads. 1
warp_mem_lim int (default 0) The warp operation memory limit in MB. Larger values allow the warp operation to be carried out in fewer chunks. The amount of memory required to warp a 3-band uint8 2000 row x 2000 col raster to a destination of the same size is approximately 56 MB. The default (0) means 64 MB with GDAL 2.2. 0
progress bool (default False) Optionally show progress of transform operations. False
kwargs opt Optional named arguments to pass to the format drivers. For example can be compress="deflate" to add compression. {}


Type Description
pyspatialml.raster.Raster Raster following reprojection.


Raster.to_pandas(max_pixels=None, resampling='nearest')

Raster to pandas DataFrame.


Name Type Description Default
max_pixels Maximum number of pixels to sample. By default all pixels are used. None
resampling str (default ‘nearest’) Resampling method to use when applying decimated reads when out_shape is specified. Supported methods are: ‘average’, ‘bilinear’, ‘cubic’, ‘cubic_spline’, ‘gauss’, ‘lanczos’, ‘max’, ‘med’, ‘min’, ‘mode’, ‘q1’, ‘q3’. 'nearest'


Type Description
pandas.pandas.DataFrame DataFrame containing values of names of RasterLayers in the Raster as columns, and pixel values as rows.


Raster.write(file_path, driver='GTiff', dtype=None, nodata=None, **kwargs)

Write the Raster object to a file.

Overrides the write RasterBase class method, which is a partial function of the rasterio.DatasetReader.write method.


Name Type Description Default
file_path str File path used to save the Raster object. required
driver str (default is ‘GTiff’). Name of GDAL driver used to save Raster data. 'GTiff'
dtype str (opt Optionally specify a numpy compatible data type when saving to file. If not specified, a data type is selected based on the data types of RasterLayers in the Raster object. None)
nodata any number (opt Optionally assign a new nodata value when saving to file. If not specified a nodata value based on the minimum permissible value for the data types of RasterLayers in the Raster object is used. Note that this does not change the pixel nodata values of the raster, it only changes the metadata of what value represents a nodata pixel. None)
kwargs opt Optional named arguments to pass to the format drivers. For example can be compress="deflate" to add compression. {}


Type Description
pyspatialml.raster.Raster New Raster object from saved file.